We are building our collection of videos and podcasts to support you. Please check back on a regular basis for more updates.
Video: Embedding Health Coaching across a Health and Social Care System a conversation with Zoe Noble
In this video Zoe Noble talks to Dr Andrew McDowell about her experience of the TPC Health Train the Trainer programme and discusses how health coach training can be delivered to multiple teams across primary and secondary care and the positive impact it can have.
Video: Embedding Health Coaching across a Health and Social Care System a conversation with Debbie O'Nyons
In this video Debbie O'Nyons talks to Dr Andrew McDowell about her experience of the TPC Health Train the Trainer programme and discusses how the programme has helped the team to create a sustainable training resource to deliver and embed health coaching across a health and social care system.
Video: Demonstrating the TGROW Coaching Model
In this video Dr Andrew McDowell and Sue Denmark demonstrate a coaching conversation using the TGROW Model.
Podcast: Anne Budenberg's Let's Chat Health podcast
Dr Andrew McDowell was recently interviewed by Anne Budenberg for Anne's Let's chat health podcast. They spoke about Health Coaching - what it is and how it fits within health care interactions. They also talked about how we can change the quality of the conversation we have with people, so that they are supported and motivated to change their behaviour to improve their health.
You can listen to the podcast here: