Our Mental Health Awareness Training Programmes
There is an increasing level of awareness about the many and diverse factors that affect people’s mental health and wellbeing. Unexpected challenges, constant change and highly stressful work environments can all impact people’s mental health.
It’s now broadly accepted that mental health awareness training in the workplace can enhance workplace culture, improving overall performance, support employee engagement and reduce burnout and absenteeism. We work with organisations to support them to proactively address mental health awareness and create the conditions where everyone can thrive.
Our programmes are designed to help people develop the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to work positively with the important issues of mental health. We focus on understanding the many issues associated with mental health and learning how to support individuals to create a culture where the stigma about mental health issues is reduced and inclusion is celebrated.
In the area of Mental Health Awareness, bespoke programmes, design to fit the specific needs of organisations are usually required.
Potential content includes:
- Understanding what constitutes mental health, mental ill-health and wellbeing
- Stigma and the effect that is has on mental health
- Stress awareness and stress management
- Understanding the mental health continuum and the high performance/high mental health awareness model
- Recognising the signs and symptoms of mental ill health
- The prevalence of mental health challenges in the workplace
- Understanding the legal and ethical responsibilities associated with addressing mental ill-health, including reasonable adjustments
- Understanding some common mental health challenges, including clinical and sub-clinical distinctions
- Supporting colleagues with mental health challenges
- Signposting a supporting people to get professional help when needed.